Leadership & Strategy | March 20, 2017

Three Tips for Creating Delight in Your Business

What is delight, and why is it important (especially in your business)? Creating delight starts by taking little steps to create small moments of positivity. They don’t have to be huge or over-the-top, but a little delight goes a long way; and those little moments of delight pile up quickly to create an energetic, attractive, and positive brand experience for your customers to enjoy.

Here’s a few examples of how to delight your customers:

#1. Nail the “First Impression”

Create a culture of delight for a GREAT first impression. This includes some general tips like being friendly and so on, but make sure you hit a few key points that are easy slam dunks.

– Smile when you speak (and smile with your eyes)

– Project upbeat enthusiasm

– Say “Please” and “Thank You”

– Say “I can help you with that”

– Definitely remember to use your customer’s name 
(They like hearing their own name)

#2. Under-Promise and Over-Deliver

Growing by word-of-mouth relies on creating and retaining happy customers. There’s no better way to do this than going above and beyond what your customers expect of you.

No matter how big or small the scope of your client’s project, take a page from Steve Jobs’ modus operandi and ask yourself, “What’s one more thing we can do to shock them with a little something extra.”

 More often than not, this proves to be a powerful vehicle for sparking a viral word-of-mouth spread about your business. It’s a quality that is seldom expected yet relentlessly celebrated.

#3. Remind Customers of Your Personal Interest (in THEM)

Spoiler alert: people like doing business with other people. Oftentimes a customer/business relationship can seem anonymous and robotic, not quite living up to the promise of a delightful experience. So, send them a reminder that they’re thought of by a real live human.

– Send Handwritten Thank-You Notes

– Send Cookies, Treats, Gifts, and Swag

– Remember important personal dates to the customer, like a birthday or anniversary. Send them a card to congratulate them.

– Get on the phone to check in on them from time to time … just because!

Now, when you can implement these things within your business– even if that means just making small changes and tweaks –there’s evidence that your customers will respond in a big way. From a 2012 study, only 9% of customers decided to leave a company because of a competitor’s features while a whopping 68% bounced because they felt indifferent toward the company altogether. Creating a culture of indifference kills businesses every day!

Instead, dedicate yourself to crafting a holistically delightful experience custom-tailored for your customers. You’ll have an easier time attracting an ideal audience, enjoy a higher retention rate, and see a sizable uptick in referral-source growth. Delight = winning!

Create the Culture

Delighting your customers happens more easily when your own employees are also feeling the love. Make sure you're fostering a creative culture in the office with these tips!