Creative | February 2, 2015

5 Web and Graphic Design Tips for Better Website Conversion

Many companies believe that providing high quality content is all that they need to do to ensure great website conversion numbers. While content is key for conversion, you’ll only be able to sell it with a modern, professional website. Whether you’re simply looking for some tips to take your website to the next level or your website conversion has tanked and you need a complete overhaul, the following five web and graphic design tips will improve your website conversion in weeks, if not days.

Fresh and Current Design

Nothing makes a company look like they’re behind the times more quickly than an outdated website design. Approximately 95 percent of website visitors state that solid website designs make companies more trustworthy. If it’s been a few years since you’ve reworked the design, most likely it is not a responsive design. Responsive web designs adjust the format automatically for the device at hand, which is critical for converting mobile users. As you consider new design options, look for responsive designs that are clean with white backgrounds and minimal distracting elements.

Testimonials or Reviews

Offering insight from customers is much more powerful than any insight that you can provide yourself. If you have popular products that many people own and enjoy using or your services are highly sought after, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find customers who are willing to provide personal testimonials. Think about offering an incentive, such as a meaningful freebie or discount, in exchange for the testimonial or review.

Calls to Action

A call to action tells people what to do next. For example, after users have read a blog post about the latest industry news, maybe you want them to read an ebook that follows up on one of the most important points from the post. Keep calls to action short and to the point with direct, actionable language. You should always follow up with your promise. If customers are instructed to download a white paper, the download link should be front and center on the next page.


Everyone has visited a website that is tough to navigate. Whether the color scheme makes it hard to read or the layout isn’t intuitive, people are not going to stick around to figure out how to navigate your site. Make it simple for users to figure out how to get to the content that they’re trying to find. Whenever possible, streamline the navigation so that pages load quickly. The longer it takes for pages to load, the more likely it is that people will leave, particularly on mobile devices.

Spelling, Grammar, and Word Usage

Proofreading online content is one of the most basic strategies for success, but it is also one that many companies overlook. If you want to be seen as a professional business with strong knowledge of your industry, then you must have flawless content with correct spelling, grammar, and word usage. Virtually every modern website builder has built-in spell checking tools. Encourage employees to use these tools and then proofread their work before hitting the submit button. If errors do slip through the cracks, fix them as soon as you notice them.

Are you overwhelmed at the thought of trying to implement all of these strategies at once? Pick the biggest area of need and start there. For example, if you haven’t upgraded your design in two years, work on that before you start gathering testimonials or adding calls to action.

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