Leadership & Strategy|December 26, 2016Improve Your Listening Skills for 2017Even if you are aware of flaws in your communication skills, it can be difficult to drastically change your conversation style. Some of us are simply prone to interrupt or
Leadership & Strategy|December 5, 2016Employee Gifts That Are Not a FruitcakeIs the dreaded question you ask yourself each holiday, “What do I buy for my employees?” Here’s a tip: don’t give them a fruitcake. Nobody deserves that. This year, give
Leadership & Strategy|November 28, 2016How to Not Get Fired at your Office Holiday PartyFor some, the office holiday party sparks fear of unbearable social awkwardness. For others, there’s a real threat of getting too drunk and dancing on a table or flirting with
Leadership & Strategy|August 15, 2016Improve Company Culture: Ways to Engage Your TeamEfficiently using assets is the quickest way for your business to fatten its bottom line and improve profitability. Often, business owners invest in new technologies or hire consultants to draft
Leadership & Strategy|July 18, 2016How to Be Uniquely YouIdentifying and communicating differentiators is one of the most important foundations for your business. When you know what makes your business unique, that can be the key to finding the
Leadership & Strategy|June 27, 2016The Importance of Taking BreaksWith today’s “plugged in” culture, it’s easier than ever to find yourself falling into workaholic patterns. Company laptops, smartphones, and an intense work environment all contribute to the feeling that
Leadership & Strategy|June 13, 2016How to Build Strong Relationships at WorkWe spend a good deal of our time at work, often more than the time we spend at home. And while our knowledge, talent and work ethic are major factors
Leadership & Strategy|May 16, 2016Choosing the Right Clients – Are They a Good Fit?For most companies, choosing the right clients often means spending a larger portion of your time meeting with potential clients. It may seem tedious at times, but you want to make